From bb62b196e08be48e21db5c0b383fab371a351dd1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: nick <nick@a97b1542-0b21-0410-a459-e47997c36f34>
Date: Sat, 15 Mar 2008 17:06:58 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Big refactoring

git-svn-id: a97b1542-0b21-0410-a459-e47997c36f34
 src/Game.cpp       | 322 +++++++++++++++------------------------------
 src/Lander.hpp     | 229 +++++++++++++++-----------------
 src/    |   3 +-
 src/ObjectGrid.cpp |  61 ++++-----
 src/Ship.cpp       | 117 ++++++++++++++++
 src/Ship.hpp       |  51 +++++++
 src/Viewport.cpp   |  70 ++++++++++
 src/Viewport.hpp   |  46 +++++++
 8 files changed, 523 insertions(+), 376 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 src/Ship.cpp
 create mode 100644 src/Ship.hpp
 create mode 100644 src/Viewport.cpp
 create mode 100644 src/Viewport.hpp

diff --git a/src/Game.cpp b/src/Game.cpp
index f845797..ea5ee40 100644
--- a/src/Game.cpp
+++ b/src/Game.cpp
@@ -62,7 +62,11 @@ const Point Game::hotspots[] = {{1, 31}, {1, 26}, {3, 14}, {15, 0},
  * Sets the inital state of the Game object.
-  : hasloaded(false), bThrusting(false), surface(NULL), state(gsNone)
+  : hasloaded(false),
+    bThrusting(false),
+    surface(NULL),
+    state(gsNone),
+    ship(&viewport)
@@ -79,8 +83,6 @@ void Game::Load()
    // Load textures
    if (!hasloaded) {
-      // Load textures
-      uShipTexture = opengl.LoadTextureAlpha(g_pData, "Ship.bmp");
       uStarTexture = opengl.LoadTextureAlpha(g_pData, "Star.bmp");
       uFadeTexture = opengl.LoadTexture(g_pData, "Fade.bmp");
       uLevComTexture = opengl.LoadTextureAlpha(g_pData, "LevelComplete.bmp");
@@ -127,18 +129,14 @@ void Game::Load()
          snprintf(buf, TEX_NAME_LEN, "mine%d.bmp", i*5);
          uMineTexture[i] = opengl.LoadTextureAlpha(g_pData, buf);
+      Ship::Load();
       // Toggle loaded flag
       hasloaded = true;
-   // Create the ship
-   ship.tq.width = 32;
-   ship.tq.height = 32;
-   ship.tq.uTexture = uShipTexture;
    // Create the fade
    fade.x = 0;
    fade.y = 0;
@@ -195,9 +193,6 @@ void Game::Load()
    paused.height = 64;
    paused.uTexture = uPausedTexture;
-   // Set default values
-   nViewAdjustX = 0;
-   nViewAdjustY = 0;
    starrotate = 0.0f;
    death_timeout = 0;
    state = gsNone;
@@ -257,8 +252,8 @@ void Game::Process()
    if ((input.GetKeyState(SDLK_UP) || input.QueryJoystickButton(1))
        && fuel > 0 && state == gsInGame) {
       // Thrusting
-      ship.flSpeedX += SHIP_SPEED * (float)sin(ship.angle*(PI/180));
-      ship.flSpeedY -= SHIP_SPEED * (float)cos(ship.angle*(PI/180));
+      ship.speedX += SHIP_SPEED * (float)sin(ship.angle*(PI/180));
+      ship.speedY -= SHIP_SPEED * (float)cos(ship.angle*(PI/180));
       bThrusting = true;
@@ -300,17 +295,17 @@ void Game::Process()
    // Move only if not in game over (prevent bugs)
    if (state == gsInGame || state == gsExplode) {
       // Apply gravity
-      ship.flSpeedY += flGravity;
+      ship.speedY += flGravity;
       // Move the ship (and exhaust and explosion)
-      ship.xpos += ship.flSpeedX;
-      ship.ypos += ship.flSpeedY;
+      ship.xpos += ship.speedX;
+      ship.ypos += ship.speedY;
       exhaust.xpos = ship.xpos + ship.tq.width/2
          - (ship.tq.width/2)*(float)sin(ship.angle*(PI/180));
       exhaust.ypos = ship.ypos + ship.tq.height/2
          + (ship.tq.height/2)*(float)cos(ship.angle*(PI/180));
-      exhaust.yg = ship.flSpeedY + (flGravity * 10);
-      exhaust.xg = ship.flSpeedX;
+      exhaust.yg = ship.speedY + (flGravity * 10);
+      exhaust.xg = ship.speedX;
       explosion.xpos = ship.xpos + ship.tq.width/2;
       explosion.ypos = ship.ypos + ship.tq.height/2;
@@ -394,19 +389,19 @@ void Game::Process()
    // Check bounds
    if (ship.xpos <= 0.0f) {
       ship.xpos = 0.0f;
-      ship.flSpeedX *= -0.5f;
+      ship.speedX *= -0.5f;
-   else if (ship.xpos + ship.tq.width > levelwidth) {
-      ship.xpos = (float)(levelwidth - ship.tq.width);
-      ship.flSpeedX *= -0.5f;
+   else if (ship.xpos + ship.tq.width > viewport.GetLevelWidth()) {
+      ship.xpos = (float)(viewport.GetLevelWidth() - ship.tq.width);
+      ship.speedX *= -0.5f;
    if (ship.ypos <= 0.0f) {
       ship.ypos = 0.0f;
-      ship.flSpeedY *= -0.5f;
+      ship.speedY *= -0.5f;
-   else if (ship.ypos + ship.tq.height > levelheight) {
-      ship.ypos = (float)(levelheight - ship.tq.height);
-      ship.flSpeedY *= -0.5f;
+   else if (ship.ypos + ship.tq.height > viewport.GetLevelHeight()) {
+      ship.ypos = (float)(viewport.GetLevelHeight() - ship.tq.height);
+      ship.speedY *= -0.5f;
       // Bug fix
       if (state == gsExplode) {
@@ -418,31 +413,23 @@ void Game::Process()
    // Calculate view adjusts
    int centrex = (int)ship.xpos + (ship.tq.width/2);
    int centrey = (int)ship.ypos + (ship.tq.height/2);
-   nViewAdjustX = centrex - (opengl.GetWidth()/2);
-   nViewAdjustY = centrey - (opengl.GetHeight()/2);
-   if (nViewAdjustX < 0)
-      nViewAdjustX = 0;
-   else if (nViewAdjustX > levelwidth - opengl.GetWidth())
-      nViewAdjustX = levelwidth - opengl.GetWidth();
-   if (nViewAdjustY < 0)
-      nViewAdjustY = 0;
-   else if (nViewAdjustY > levelheight - opengl.GetHeight())
-      nViewAdjustY = levelheight - opengl.GetHeight();
+   viewport.SetXAdjust(centrex - (opengl.GetWidth()/2));
+   viewport.SetYAdjust(centrey - (opengl.GetHeight()/2));
    // Check for collisions with surface
    LineSegment l;
    int lookmin = (int)(ship.xpos/SURFACE_SIZE) - 2;
    int lookmax = (int)(ship.xpos/SURFACE_SIZE) + 2;
    if (lookmin < 0)	lookmin = 0;
-   if (lookmax >= levelwidth/SURFACE_SIZE) lookmax = (levelwidth / SURFACE_SIZE) - 1;
+   if (lookmax >= viewport.GetLevelWidth()/SURFACE_SIZE) lookmax = (viewport.GetLevelWidth() / SURFACE_SIZE) - 1;
    for (i = lookmin; i <= lookmax; i++) {
       l.p1.x = i*SURFACE_SIZE;
-      l.p1.y = levelheight - MAX_SURFACE_HEIGHT + surface[i].points[1].y;
+      l.p1.y = viewport.GetLevelHeight() - MAX_SURFACE_HEIGHT + surface[i].points[1].y;
       l.p2.x = (i+1)*SURFACE_SIZE;
-      l.p2.y = levelheight - MAX_SURFACE_HEIGHT + surface[i].points[2].y;
+      l.p2.y = viewport.GetLevelHeight() - MAX_SURFACE_HEIGHT + surface[i].points[2].y;
       // Look through each hot spot and check for collisions
-      if (HotSpotCollision(ship, l, points, NUM_HOTSPOTS, ship.xpos, ship.ypos)) {
+      if (ship.HotSpotCollision(l, points, NUM_HOTSPOTS)) {
          // Collided - see which game state we're in
          if (state == gsInGame) {
             bool bLanded = false;
@@ -455,7 +442,7 @@ void Game::Process()
                      // We landed
                      int nDAngle = ((int)ship.angle) % 360;
                      if ((nDAngle >= 350 || nDAngle <= 30) 
-                         && ship.flSpeedY < LAND_SPEED && !nKeysRemaining) {
+                         && ship.speedY < LAND_SPEED && !nKeysRemaining) {
                            // Landed safely
                         bLanded = true;
                         nPadOn = k;
@@ -488,7 +475,7 @@ void Game::Process()
             // See if we need to stop the madness
-            if (state == gsExplode && ship.flSpeedY*-1 < 0.05f) {
+            if (state == gsExplode && ship.speedY*-1 < 0.05f) {
                state = gsDeathWait; 
                death_timeout = DEATH_TIMEOUT;
@@ -499,7 +486,7 @@ void Game::Process()
    // Check for collisions with asteroids
    LineSegment l1, l2;
    for (i = 0; i < asteroidcount; i++) {
-      if (ObjectInScreen(asteroids[i].GetXPos(), 
+      if (viewport.ObjectInScreen(asteroids[i].GetXPos(), 
                          asteroids[i].GetYPos() + SHIP_START_Y / ObjectGrid::OBJ_GRID_SIZE,
                          asteroids[i].GetWidth(), 4)) {
          // Look at polys
@@ -507,8 +494,8 @@ void Game::Process()
             l1 = asteroids[i].GetUpBoundary(k);
             l2 = asteroids[i].GetDownBoundary(k);
-            if (HotSpotCollision(ship, l1, points, NUM_HOTSPOTS, ship.xpos, ship.ypos) 
-                || HotSpotCollision(ship, l2, points, NUM_HOTSPOTS, ship.xpos, ship.ypos)) {
+            if (ship.HotSpotCollision(l1, points, NUM_HOTSPOTS) 
+                || ship.HotSpotCollision(l2, points, NUM_HOTSPOTS)) {
                // Crashed
                if (state == gsInGame) {
                   // Destroy the ship
@@ -519,7 +506,7 @@ void Game::Process()
                                  // See if we need to stop the madness
-                                 if (state == gsExplode && ship.flSpeedY*-1 < 0.05f)
+                                 if (state == gsExplode && ship.speedY*-1 < 0.05f)
                                        state = gsDeathWait; 
                                        death_timeout = DEATH_TIMEOUT;
@@ -537,9 +524,8 @@ void Game::Process()
          int dy = gateways[i].vertical ? gateways[i].length : 0;
          if (gateways[i].timer > GATEWAY_ACTIVE)
-               bool collide1 = BoxCollision
+               bool collide1 = ship.BoxCollision
-                   ship,
                    gateways[i].ypos*ObjectGrid::OBJ_GRID_SIZE + SHIP_START_Y,
@@ -548,9 +534,8 @@ void Game::Process()
-               bool collide2 = BoxCollision
+               bool collide2 = ship.BoxCollision
-                   ship,
                    (gateways[i].xpos + dx)*ObjectGrid::OBJ_GRID_SIZE,
                    (gateways[i].ypos + dy)*ObjectGrid::OBJ_GRID_SIZE + SHIP_START_Y,
@@ -572,7 +557,7 @@ void Game::Process()
                            // See if we need to stop the madness
-                           if (state == gsExplode && ship.flSpeedY*-1 < 0.05f)
+                           if (state == gsExplode && ship.speedY*-1 < 0.05f)
                                  state = gsDeathWait; 
                                  death_timeout = DEATH_TIMEOUT;
@@ -582,9 +567,8 @@ void Game::Process()
-               bool collide = BoxCollision
+               bool collide = ship.BoxCollision
-                   ship,
                    gateways[i].ypos*ObjectGrid::OBJ_GRID_SIZE + SHIP_START_Y,
                    (dx + 1)*ObjectGrid::OBJ_GRID_SIZE,
@@ -614,9 +598,8 @@ void Game::Process()
    // Check for collisions with mines
    for (i = 0; i < minecount; i++)
-         bool collide = BoxCollision
+         bool collide = ship.BoxCollision
-             ship,
              mines[i].xpos*ObjectGrid::OBJ_GRID_SIZE + 3 + mines[i].displace_x,
              mines[i].ypos*ObjectGrid::OBJ_GRID_SIZE + SHIP_START_Y + 6 + mines[i].displace_y,
              ObjectGrid::OBJ_GRID_SIZE*2 - 6,
@@ -638,7 +621,7 @@ void Game::Process()
                      // See if we need to stop the madness
-                     if (state == gsExplode && -ship.flSpeedY < 0.05f)
+                     if (state == gsExplode && -ship.speedY < 0.05f)
                            state = gsDeathWait; 
                            death_timeout = DEATH_TIMEOUT;
@@ -650,9 +633,8 @@ void Game::Process()
    // See if the player collected a key
    for (i = 0; i < nKeys; i++)
-         bool collide = BoxCollision
+         bool collide = ship.BoxCollision
-             ship,
              keys[i].xpos*ObjectGrid::OBJ_GRID_SIZE + 3,
              keys[i].ypos*ObjectGrid::OBJ_GRID_SIZE + SHIP_START_Y + 3,
              ObjectGrid::OBJ_GRID_SIZE - 6,
@@ -777,7 +759,7 @@ void Game::Process()
    // Resize the speed bar
    float flSpeed1 = 30.0f / LAND_SPEED;
-   int width = (int)((float)ship.flSpeedY * flSpeed1); 
+   int width = (int)((float)ship.speedY * flSpeed1); 
    if (width < 0) 
       width = 0;
    if (width > 124) 
@@ -794,23 +776,23 @@ void Game::StartLevel(int level)
    int i, change, texloop=0, j, k, nPadHere;
    // Set level size
-   levelwidth = 2000 + 2*SURFACE_SIZE*level;
-   levelheight = 1500 + 2*SURFACE_SIZE*level;
+   viewport.SetLevelWidth(2000 + 2*SURFACE_SIZE*level);
+   viewport.SetLevelHeight(1500 + 2*SURFACE_SIZE*level);
    flGravity = GRAVITY;
    // Create the object grid
-   int grid_w = levelwidth / ObjectGrid::OBJ_GRID_SIZE;
-   int grid_h = (levelheight - SHIP_START_Y - MAX_SURFACE_HEIGHT - 100) / ObjectGrid::OBJ_GRID_SIZE;
+   int grid_w = viewport.GetLevelWidth() / ObjectGrid::OBJ_GRID_SIZE;
+   int grid_h = (viewport.GetLevelHeight() - SHIP_START_Y - MAX_SURFACE_HEIGHT - 100) / ObjectGrid::OBJ_GRID_SIZE;
    objgrid.Reset(grid_w, grid_h);
    // Create background stars
-   nStarCount = (levelwidth * levelheight) / 10000;
+   nStarCount = (viewport.GetLevelWidth() * viewport.GetLevelHeight()) / 10000;
    if (nStarCount > MAX_GAME_STARS)
       nStarCount = MAX_GAME_STARS;
    for (i = 0; i < nStarCount; i++)
-         stars[i].xpos = (int)(rand()%(levelwidth/20))*20;
-         stars[i].ypos = (int)(rand()%(levelheight/20))*20;
+         stars[i].xpos = (int)(rand()%(viewport.GetLevelWidth()/20))*20;
+         stars[i].ypos = (int)(rand()%(viewport.GetLevelHeight()/20))*20;
          stars[i].quad.uTexture = uStarTexture;
          stars[i].quad.width = stars[i].quad.height = rand()%15;
@@ -818,7 +800,7 @@ void Game::StartLevel(int level)
    // Create the planet surface 
    if (surface)
       delete[] surface;
-   surface = new Poly[levelwidth/SURFACE_SIZE];
+   surface = new Poly[viewport.GetLevelWidth()/SURFACE_SIZE];
    // Generate landing pads
    nLandingPads = rand()%MAX_PADS + 1;
@@ -828,12 +810,12 @@ void Game::StartLevel(int level)
          bool overlap;
-               index = rand() % (levelwidth / SURFACE_SIZE);
+               index = rand() % (viewport.GetLevelWidth() / SURFACE_SIZE);
                length = rand() % MAX_PAD_SIZE + 3;
                // Check for overlap
                overlap = false;
-               if (index + length > (levelwidth / SURFACE_SIZE))
+               if (index + length > (viewport.GetLevelWidth() / SURFACE_SIZE))
                   overlap = true;
                for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
@@ -851,11 +833,11 @@ void Game::StartLevel(int level)
    // Generate surface
    int surftex = rand()%NUM_SURF_TEX;
-   for (i = 0; i < levelwidth/SURFACE_SIZE; i++)
+   for (i = 0; i < viewport.GetLevelWidth()/SURFACE_SIZE; i++)
          surface[i].pointcount = 4;
          surface[i].xpos = i * SURFACE_SIZE;
-         surface[i].ypos = levelheight - MAX_SURFACE_HEIGHT;
+         surface[i].ypos = viewport.GetLevelHeight() - MAX_SURFACE_HEIGHT;
          surface[i].uTexture = uSurfaceTexture[surftex];
          surface[i].texX = ((float)texloop)/10;
          if (texloop++ == 10)
@@ -1068,13 +1050,13 @@ void Game::StartLevel(int level)
    // Set ship starting position
-   ship.xpos = (float)levelwidth/2;
+   ship.xpos = (float)viewport.GetLevelWidth()/2;
    ship.ypos = SHIP_START_Y - 40;
    // Reset data
    ship.angle = 0.0f;
-   ship.flSpeedX = 0.0f;
-   ship.flSpeedY = 0.0f;
+   ship.speedX = 0.0f;
+   ship.speedY = 0.0f;
    leveltext_timeout = LEVEL_TEXT_TIMEOUT;
    // Reset emitters
@@ -1109,10 +1091,10 @@ void Game::ExplodeShip()
 void Game::BounceShip()
-   ship.flSpeedY *= -1;
-   ship.flSpeedX *= -1;
-   ship.flSpeedX /= 2;
-   ship.flSpeedY /= 2;
+   ship.speedY *= -1;
+   ship.speedX *= -1;
+   ship.speedX /= 2;
+   ship.speedY /= 2;
@@ -1131,103 +1113,6 @@ void Game::RotatePoints(const Point *pPoints, Point *pDest, int nCount, float an
-/* Does a collision based on hot spots */
-bool Game::HotSpotCollision(ActiveObject &a, LineSegment &l, Point *points, int nPoints, float dx, float dy)
-   for (int i = 0; i < nPoints; i++)
-      {
-         if (CheckCollision(a, l, dx + points[i].x, dy + points[i].y))
-            return true;
-      }
-   return false;
- * Works out whether or not an object is visible.
- *	xpos, ypos -> Grid co-ordinates.
- *	width, height -> Size of object in grid squares.
- */
-bool Game::ObjectInScreen(int xpos, int ypos, int width, int height)
-   return PointInScreen(xpos * ObjectGrid::OBJ_GRID_SIZE, ypos * ObjectGrid::OBJ_GRID_SIZE,
-                        width * ObjectGrid::OBJ_GRID_SIZE, height * ObjectGrid::OBJ_GRID_SIZE);
- * Works out whether or not a point is visible.
- *	xpos, ypos -> Absolute co-ordinates.
- *	width, height -> Size of object.
- */
-bool Game::PointInScreen(int xpos, int ypos, int width, int height)
-   OpenGL &opengl = OpenGL::GetInstance();
-   int sw = opengl.GetWidth();
-   int sh = opengl.GetHeight();
-   if (xpos + width > nViewAdjustX && xpos - nViewAdjustX < sw &&
-       ypos + height > nViewAdjustY && ypos - nViewAdjustY < sh)
-      return true;
-   else
-      return false;
-/* Does simple box collision */
-bool Game::BoxCollision(ActiveObject &a, int x, int y, int w, int h, Point *points, int nPoints)
-   if (!PointInScreen(x, y, w, h))
-      return false;
-   LineSegment l1(x, y, x + w, y);
-   LineSegment l2(x + w, y, x + w, y + h);
-   LineSegment l3(x + w, y + h, x, y + h);
-   LineSegment l4(x, y + h, x, y);
-   return HotSpotCollision(a, l1, points, nPoints, a.xpos, a.ypos) ||
-      HotSpotCollision(a, l2, points, nPoints, a.xpos, a.ypos) ||
-      HotSpotCollision(a, l3, points, nPoints, a.xpos, a.ypos) ||
-      HotSpotCollision(a, l4, points, nPoints, a.xpos, a.ypos);
-/* Checks for collision between a vector and a line segment */
-bool Game::CheckCollision(ActiveObject &a, LineSegment &l, float xpos, float ypos)
-   if (xpos == -1 || ypos == -1)
-      {
-         xpos = a.xpos;
-         ypos = a.ypos;
-      }
-   // Get position after next move
-   float cX = xpos + a.flSpeedX;
-   float cY = ypos + a.flSpeedY;
-   // Get displacement
-   float vecX = cX - xpos;
-   float vecY = cY - ypos;
-   // Get line position
-   float wallX = (float)(l.p2.x - l.p1.x);
-   float wallY = (float)(l.p2.y - l.p1.y);
-   // Work out numerator and denominator (used parametric equations)
-   float numT = wallX * (ypos - l.p1.y) - wallY * (xpos - l.p1.x);
-   float numU = vecX * (ypos - l.p1.y) - vecY * (xpos - l.p1.x);
-   // Work out denominator
-   float denom = wallY * (cX - xpos) - wallX * (cY - ypos);
-   // Work out u and t
-   float u = numU / denom;
-   float t = numT / denom;
-   // Collision occured if (0 < t < 1) and (0 < u < 1)
-   return (t > 0.0f) && (t < 1.0f) && (u > 0.0f) && (u < 1.0f);
 /* Displays frame to user */
 void Game::Display()
@@ -1240,27 +1125,27 @@ void Game::Display()
    // Draw the stars
    for (i = 0; i < nStarCount; i++)
-         stars[i].quad.x = stars[i].xpos - nViewAdjustX;
-         stars[i].quad.y = stars[i].ypos - nViewAdjustY;
+         stars[i].quad.x = stars[i].xpos - viewport.GetXAdjust();
+         stars[i].quad.y = stars[i].ypos - viewport.GetYAdjust();
          opengl.DrawRotate(&stars[i].quad, starrotate);
          starrotate += 0.005f;
    // Draw the planet surface
-   for (i = 0; i < levelwidth/SURFACE_SIZE; i++)
+   for (i = 0; i < viewport.GetLevelWidth()/SURFACE_SIZE; i++)
-         surface[i].xpos = i*SURFACE_SIZE - nViewAdjustX;
-         surface[i].ypos = levelheight - nViewAdjustY - MAX_SURFACE_HEIGHT;
+         surface[i].xpos = i*SURFACE_SIZE - viewport.GetXAdjust();
+         surface[i].ypos = viewport.GetLevelHeight() - viewport.GetYAdjust() - MAX_SURFACE_HEIGHT;
    // Draw the asteroids
    for (i = 0; i < asteroidcount; i++)
-         if (ObjectInScreen(asteroids[i].GetXPos(), asteroids[i].GetYPos() + SHIP_START_Y / ObjectGrid::OBJ_GRID_SIZE, 
+         if (viewport.ObjectInScreen(asteroids[i].GetXPos(), asteroids[i].GetYPos() + SHIP_START_Y / ObjectGrid::OBJ_GRID_SIZE, 
                             asteroids[i].GetWidth(), asteroids[i].GetHeight()))
-               asteroids[i].Draw(nViewAdjustX, nViewAdjustY);			
+               asteroids[i].Draw(viewport.GetXAdjust(), viewport.GetYAdjust());			
@@ -1269,8 +1154,8 @@ void Game::Display()
          if (keys[i].active)
-               keys[i].frame[keys[i].current].x = keys[i].xpos*ObjectGrid::OBJ_GRID_SIZE - nViewAdjustX;
-               keys[i].frame[keys[i].current].y = keys[i].ypos*ObjectGrid::OBJ_GRID_SIZE - nViewAdjustY + SHIP_START_Y;		
+               keys[i].frame[keys[i].current].x = keys[i].xpos*ObjectGrid::OBJ_GRID_SIZE - viewport.GetXAdjust();
+               keys[i].frame[keys[i].current].y = keys[i].ypos*ObjectGrid::OBJ_GRID_SIZE - viewport.GetYAdjust() + SHIP_START_Y;		
                if (--keys[i].rotcount == 0)
@@ -1283,8 +1168,8 @@ void Game::Display()
                if (keys[i].alpha > 0.0f)
-                     keys[i].frame[keys[i].current].x = keys[i].xpos*ObjectGrid::OBJ_GRID_SIZE - nViewAdjustX;
-                     keys[i].frame[keys[i].current].y = keys[i].ypos*ObjectGrid::OBJ_GRID_SIZE - nViewAdjustY + SHIP_START_Y;	
+                     keys[i].frame[keys[i].current].x = keys[i].xpos*ObjectGrid::OBJ_GRID_SIZE - viewport.GetXAdjust();
+                     keys[i].frame[keys[i].current].y = keys[i].ypos*ObjectGrid::OBJ_GRID_SIZE - viewport.GetYAdjust() + SHIP_START_Y;	
                      opengl.DrawBlend(&keys[i].frame[keys[i].current], keys[i].alpha);
                      keys[i].alpha -= 0.02f;
                      if (--keys[i].rotcount == 0)
@@ -1301,20 +1186,20 @@ void Game::Display()
    for (i = 0; i < gatewaycount; i++)
          // Draw first sphere
-         gateways[i].icon.x = gateways[i].xpos*ObjectGrid::OBJ_GRID_SIZE - nViewAdjustX;
-         gateways[i].icon.y = gateways[i].ypos*ObjectGrid::OBJ_GRID_SIZE + SHIP_START_Y - nViewAdjustY;
+         gateways[i].icon.x = gateways[i].xpos*ObjectGrid::OBJ_GRID_SIZE - viewport.GetXAdjust();
+         gateways[i].icon.y = gateways[i].ypos*ObjectGrid::OBJ_GRID_SIZE + SHIP_START_Y - viewport.GetYAdjust();
          // Draw second sphere
          if (gateways[i].vertical)
-               gateways[i].icon.x = gateways[i].xpos*ObjectGrid::OBJ_GRID_SIZE - nViewAdjustX;
-               gateways[i].icon.y = (gateways[i].ypos+gateways[i].length)*ObjectGrid::OBJ_GRID_SIZE + SHIP_START_Y - nViewAdjustY;
+               gateways[i].icon.x = gateways[i].xpos*ObjectGrid::OBJ_GRID_SIZE - viewport.GetXAdjust();
+               gateways[i].icon.y = (gateways[i].ypos+gateways[i].length)*ObjectGrid::OBJ_GRID_SIZE + SHIP_START_Y - viewport.GetYAdjust();
-               gateways[i].icon.x = (gateways[i].xpos+gateways[i].length)*ObjectGrid::OBJ_GRID_SIZE - nViewAdjustX;
-               gateways[i].icon.y = gateways[i].ypos*ObjectGrid::OBJ_GRID_SIZE + SHIP_START_Y - nViewAdjustY;
+               gateways[i].icon.x = (gateways[i].xpos+gateways[i].length)*ObjectGrid::OBJ_GRID_SIZE - viewport.GetXAdjust();
+               gateways[i].icon.y = gateways[i].ypos*ObjectGrid::OBJ_GRID_SIZE + SHIP_START_Y - viewport.GetYAdjust();
@@ -1341,27 +1226,27 @@ void Game::Display()
                            glColor3f(r, g, b);
                            if (gateways[i].vertical)
-                                 x = gateways[i].xpos*ObjectGrid::OBJ_GRID_SIZE + 16 + deviation - nViewAdjustX;
-                                 y = (gateways[i].ypos+k)*ObjectGrid::OBJ_GRID_SIZE + SHIP_START_Y + 16 - nViewAdjustY;
+                                 x = gateways[i].xpos*ObjectGrid::OBJ_GRID_SIZE + 16 + deviation - viewport.GetXAdjust();
+                                 y = (gateways[i].ypos+k)*ObjectGrid::OBJ_GRID_SIZE + SHIP_START_Y + 16 - viewport.GetYAdjust();
                                  glVertex2i(x, y);
                                  if (k == gateways[i].length-1)
                                     deviation = 0;
                                     deviation += rand()%20 - 10;
-                                 x = gateways[i].xpos*ObjectGrid::OBJ_GRID_SIZE + 16 + deviation - nViewAdjustX;
+                                 x = gateways[i].xpos*ObjectGrid::OBJ_GRID_SIZE + 16 + deviation - viewport.GetXAdjust();
                                  y += ObjectGrid::OBJ_GRID_SIZE;
                                  glVertex2i(x, y);
-                                 x = (gateways[i].xpos+k)*ObjectGrid::OBJ_GRID_SIZE + 16 - nViewAdjustX;
-                                 y = gateways[i].ypos*ObjectGrid::OBJ_GRID_SIZE + SHIP_START_Y + 16 + deviation - nViewAdjustY;
+                                 x = (gateways[i].xpos+k)*ObjectGrid::OBJ_GRID_SIZE + 16 - viewport.GetXAdjust();
+                                 y = gateways[i].ypos*ObjectGrid::OBJ_GRID_SIZE + SHIP_START_Y + 16 + deviation - viewport.GetYAdjust();
                                  glVertex2i(x, y);
                                  if (k == gateways[i].length-1)
                                     deviation = 0;
                                     deviation += rand()%20 - 10;
-                                 y = gateways[i].ypos*ObjectGrid::OBJ_GRID_SIZE + SHIP_START_Y + 16 + deviation - nViewAdjustY;
+                                 y = gateways[i].ypos*ObjectGrid::OBJ_GRID_SIZE + SHIP_START_Y + 16 + deviation - viewport.GetYAdjust();
                                  x += ObjectGrid::OBJ_GRID_SIZE;
                                  glVertex2i(x, y);
@@ -1378,8 +1263,8 @@ void Game::Display()
    // Draw mines
    for (i = 0; i < minecount; i++)
-         mines[i].frame[mines[i].current].x = mines[i].xpos*ObjectGrid::OBJ_GRID_SIZE + mines[i].displace_x - nViewAdjustX;
-         mines[i].frame[mines[i].current].y = mines[i].ypos*ObjectGrid::OBJ_GRID_SIZE + mines[i].displace_y - nViewAdjustY + SHIP_START_Y;		
+         mines[i].frame[mines[i].current].x = mines[i].xpos*ObjectGrid::OBJ_GRID_SIZE + mines[i].displace_x - viewport.GetXAdjust();
+         mines[i].frame[mines[i].current].y = mines[i].ypos*ObjectGrid::OBJ_GRID_SIZE + mines[i].displace_y - viewport.GetYAdjust() + SHIP_START_Y;		
          if (--mines[i].rotcount == 0)
@@ -1405,10 +1290,10 @@ void Game::Display()
-                           glVertex2i(x*ObjectGrid::OBJ_GRID_SIZE - nViewAdjustX, y*ObjectGrid::OBJ_GRID_SIZE - nViewAdjustY + SHIP_START_Y);
-                           glVertex2i((x+1)*ObjectGrid::OBJ_GRID_SIZE - nViewAdjustX, y*ObjectGrid::OBJ_GRID_SIZE - nViewAdjustY + SHIP_START_Y);
-                           glVertex2i((x+1)*ObjectGrid::OBJ_GRID_SIZE - nViewAdjustX, (y+1)*ObjectGrid::OBJ_GRID_SIZE - nViewAdjustY + SHIP_START_Y);
-                           glVertex2i(x*ObjectGrid::OBJ_GRID_SIZE - nViewAdjustX, (y+1)*ObjectGrid::OBJ_GRID_SIZE - nViewAdjustY + SHIP_START_Y);
+                           glVertex2i(x*ObjectGrid::OBJ_GRID_SIZE - viewport.GetXAdjust(), y*ObjectGrid::OBJ_GRID_SIZE - viewport.GetYAdjust() + SHIP_START_Y);
+                           glVertex2i((x+1)*ObjectGrid::OBJ_GRID_SIZE - viewport.GetXAdjust(), y*ObjectGrid::OBJ_GRID_SIZE - viewport.GetYAdjust() + SHIP_START_Y);
+                           glVertex2i((x+1)*ObjectGrid::OBJ_GRID_SIZE - viewport.GetXAdjust(), (y+1)*ObjectGrid::OBJ_GRID_SIZE - viewport.GetYAdjust() + SHIP_START_Y);
+                           glVertex2i(x*ObjectGrid::OBJ_GRID_SIZE - viewport.GetXAdjust(), (y+1)*ObjectGrid::OBJ_GRID_SIZE - viewport.GetYAdjust() + SHIP_START_Y);
@@ -1418,15 +1303,14 @@ void Game::Display()
    // Draw the landing pads
    for (i = 0; i < nLandingPads; i++)
-         pads[i].Draw(nViewAdjustX, nViewAdjustY, levelheight, nKeysRemaining > 0);
+         pads[i].Draw(viewport.GetXAdjust(), viewport.GetYAdjust(), viewport.GetLevelHeight(), nKeysRemaining > 0);
-   // Draw the ship
-   ship.tq.x = (int)ship.xpos - nViewAdjustX;
-   ship.tq.y = (int)ship.ypos - nViewAdjustY;
+   // Draw the exhaust
    if (bThrusting)
-         if (sqrt(ship.flSpeedX*ship.flSpeedX + ship.flSpeedY*ship.flSpeedY) > 2.0f)
+         if (sqrt(ship.speedX*ship.speedX + ship.speedY*ship.speedY) > 2.0f)
@@ -1434,17 +1318,17 @@ void Game::Display()
                    (int)(exhaust.ypos + (exhaust.ypos - ylast)/2)
-         exhaust.Draw((float)nViewAdjustX, (float)nViewAdjustY, true);
+         exhaust.Draw((float)viewport.GetXAdjust(), (float)viewport.GetYAdjust(), true);
    else if (state == gsPaused)
-      exhaust.Draw((float)nViewAdjustX, (float)nViewAdjustY, false, false);
+      exhaust.Draw((float)viewport.GetXAdjust(), (float)viewport.GetYAdjust(), false, false);
-      exhaust.Draw((float)nViewAdjustX, (float)nViewAdjustY, false);
+      exhaust.Draw((float)viewport.GetXAdjust(), (float)viewport.GetYAdjust(), false);
    if (state != gsDeathWait && state != gsGameOver
        && state != gsFadeToDeath && state != gsFadeToRestart)
-         opengl.DrawRotate(&ship.tq, ship.angle);
+         ship.Display();
    xlast = exhaust.xpos;
@@ -1453,7 +1337,7 @@ void Game::Display()
    // Draw the explosion if necessary
    if (state == gsExplode)
-         explosion.Draw((float)nViewAdjustX, (float)nViewAdjustY, true);
+         explosion.Draw((float)viewport.GetXAdjust(), (float)viewport.GetYAdjust(), true);
          opengl.Colour(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
@@ -1466,14 +1350,14 @@ void Game::Display()
    else if (state == gsDeathWait || state == gsGameOver 
             || state == gsFadeToDeath || state == gsFadeToRestart)
-         explosion.Draw((float)nViewAdjustX, (float)nViewAdjustY, false);
+         explosion.Draw((float)viewport.GetXAdjust(), (float)viewport.GetYAdjust(), false);
    // Draw the arrows
    for (i = 0; i < nKeys; i++)	{
-      if (keys[i].active && !ObjectInScreen(keys[i].xpos, keys[i].ypos + SHIP_START_Y / ObjectGrid::OBJ_GRID_SIZE, 1, 1))	{
-         int ax = keys[i].xpos*ObjectGrid::OBJ_GRID_SIZE - nViewAdjustX;
-         int ay = keys[i].ypos*ObjectGrid::OBJ_GRID_SIZE + SHIP_START_Y - nViewAdjustY;
+      if (keys[i].active && !viewport.ObjectInScreen(keys[i].xpos, keys[i].ypos + SHIP_START_Y / ObjectGrid::OBJ_GRID_SIZE, 1, 1))	{
+         int ax = keys[i].xpos*ObjectGrid::OBJ_GRID_SIZE - viewport.GetXAdjust();
+         int ay = keys[i].ypos*ObjectGrid::OBJ_GRID_SIZE + SHIP_START_Y - viewport.GetYAdjust();
          double angle = 0.0;
          if (ax < 0) { 
diff --git a/src/Lander.hpp b/src/Lander.hpp
index 020ebc5..caeb7fa 100644
--- a/src/Lander.hpp
+++ b/src/Lander.hpp
@@ -31,8 +31,10 @@
 #include "Menu.hpp"
 #include "HighScores.hpp"
+#include "Viewport.hpp"
 #include "ObjectGrid.hpp"
 #include "Asteroid.hpp"
+#include "Ship.hpp"
 // Different fonts to be loaded
 enum FontType { ftNormal, ftBig, ftScore, ftHollow, ftScoreName, ftLarge };
@@ -45,154 +47,135 @@ enum DIRECTIONS { UP, RIGHT, DOWN, LEFT, NODIR };
 #define MAX(a, b) (a > b ? a : b)
-/* An object that can move about the screen */
-class ActiveObject
-    ActiveObject() : xpos(0), ypos(0), flSpeedX(0), flSpeedY(0), angle(0)
-    { }
-    float xpos, ypos;
-    float flSpeedX, flSpeedY, angle;
-    TextureQuad tq;
  * A landing pad where the player tries to land.
 class LandingPad
-    LandingPad() {}
-    ~LandingPad() {}
+   LandingPad() {}
+   ~LandingPad() {}
-    static void Load();
+   static void Load();
-    void Reset(int index, int length); 
-    void Draw(int viewadjust_x, int viewadjust_y, int levelheight, bool locked);
-    void SetYPos(int ypos) { this->ypos = ypos; }
+   void Reset(int index, int length); 
+   void Draw(int viewadjust_x, int viewadjust_y, int levelheight, bool locked);
+   void SetYPos(int ypos) { this->ypos = ypos; }
-    int GetLength() const { return length; }
-    int GetIndex() const { return index; }
+   int GetLength() const { return length; }
+   int GetIndex() const { return index; }
-    TextureQuad quad;
-    int index, length, ypos;
+   TextureQuad quad;
+   int index, length, ypos;
-    static Texture s_landtex, s_nolandtex;
+   static Texture s_landtex, s_nolandtex;
 class Game : public Screen
-    Game();
-    virtual ~Game();
+   Game();
+   virtual ~Game();
-    void Load();
-    void Process();
-    void Display();
-    void NewGame();
-    void StartLevel(int nLevel);
+   void Load();
+   void Process();
+   void Display();
+   void NewGame();
+   void StartLevel(int nLevel);
-    bool CheckCollision(ActiveObject &a, LineSegment &l, float xpos=-1, float ypos=-1);
-    bool HotSpotCollision(ActiveObject &a, LineSegment &l, Point *points, int nPoints, float dx=0, float dy=0);
-    bool BoxCollision(ActiveObject &a, int x, int y, int w, int h, Point *points, int nPoints);
-    void RotatePoints(const Point *pPoints, Point *pDest, int nCount, float angle, int adjustx=0, int adjusty=0);
-    bool ObjectInScreen(int xpos, int ypos, int width, int height);
-    bool PointInScreen(int xpos, int ypos, int width, int height);
-    void BounceShip();
-    void ExplodeShip();
-    // Private variables
-    ActiveObject ship;
-    int death_timeout, level, fuel, maxfuel, lives;
-    int nViewAdjustX, nViewAdjustY, levelwidth, levelheight;
-    bool hasloaded, bThrusting, bDebugMode;
-    float flGravity, starrotate, fade_alpha, life_alpha;
-    Explosion explosion;
-    SmokeTrail exhaust;
-    Poly *surface;
-    TextureQuad fade, levcomp, speedmeter, fuelmeter, smallship, gameover, paused;
-    ColourQuad speedbar;
-    int score, newscore, nextnewlife;
-    int countdown_timeout, leveltext_timeout, levelcomp_timeout;
-    // Game states
-    enum GameState { gsNone, gsInGame, gsExplode, gsGameOver, gsDeathWait, 
-                     gsFadeIn, gsFadeToDeath, gsFadeToRestart, gsLevelComplete, gsPaused };
-    GameState state;
-    ObjectGrid objgrid;
+   void RotatePoints(const Point *pPoints, Point *pDest, int nCount, float angle, int adjustx=0, int adjusty=0);
+   void BounceShip();
+   void ExplodeShip();
+   Viewport viewport;
+   Ship ship;
+   int death_timeout, level, fuel, maxfuel, lives;
+   bool hasloaded, bThrusting, bDebugMode;
+   float flGravity, starrotate, fade_alpha, life_alpha;
+   Explosion explosion;
+   SmokeTrail exhaust;
+   Poly *surface;
+   TextureQuad fade, levcomp, speedmeter, fuelmeter, smallship, gameover, paused;
+   ColourQuad speedbar;
+   int score, newscore, nextnewlife;
+   int countdown_timeout, leveltext_timeout, levelcomp_timeout;
+   enum GameState { gsNone, gsInGame, gsExplode, gsGameOver, gsDeathWait, 
+                    gsFadeIn, gsFadeToDeath, gsFadeToRestart, gsLevelComplete, gsPaused };
+   GameState state;
+   ObjectGrid objgrid;
-    // Number of available _surface textures
-    static const int NUM_SURF_TEX = 5;
-    // Textures
-    GLuint uStarTexture, uShipTexture, uSurfaceTexture[NUM_SURF_TEX], uSurf2Texture[NUM_SURF_TEX], uFadeTexture;
-    GLuint uLevComTexture, uSpeedTexture, uBlueKey[18], uRedKey[18], uGreenKey[18], uPinkKey[18], uYellowKey[18];
-    GLuint uBlueArrow, uPinkArrow, uRedArrow, uYellowArrow, uGreenArrow;
-    GLuint uGatewayTexture, uFuelMeterTexture, uFuelBarTexture, uMineTexture[36], uShipSmallTexture;
-    GLuint uGameOver, uPausedTexture;
+   // Number of available _surface textures
+   static const int NUM_SURF_TEX = 5;
+   // Textures
+   GLuint uStarTexture, uSurfaceTexture[NUM_SURF_TEX], uSurf2Texture[NUM_SURF_TEX], uFadeTexture;
+   GLuint uLevComTexture, uSpeedTexture, uBlueKey[18], uRedKey[18], uGreenKey[18], uPinkKey[18], uYellowKey[18];
+   GLuint uBlueArrow, uPinkArrow, uRedArrow, uYellowArrow, uGreenArrow;
+   GLuint uGatewayTexture, uFuelMeterTexture, uFuelBarTexture, uMineTexture[36], uShipSmallTexture;
+   GLuint uGameOver, uPausedTexture;
-    static const int NUM_HOTSPOTS = 8;
-    Point points[NUM_HOTSPOTS];
-    static const Point hotspots[];
+   static const int NUM_HOTSPOTS = 8;
+   Point points[NUM_HOTSPOTS];
+   static const Point hotspots[];
-    // Stars
-    static const int MAX_GAME_STARS = 2048;
-    struct Star 
-    {
-        TextureQuad quad;
-        float scale;
-        int xpos, ypos;
-    } stars[MAX_GAME_STARS];
-    int nStarCount;
-    // Landing pads
-    static const int MAX_PADS = 3;
-    LandingPad pads[MAX_PADS];
-    int nLandingPads;
+   // Stars
+   static const int MAX_GAME_STARS = 2048;
+   struct Star 
+   {
+      TextureQuad quad;
+      float scale;
+      int xpos, ypos;
+   } stars[MAX_GAME_STARS];
+   int nStarCount;
+   // Landing pads
+   static const int MAX_PADS = 3;
+   LandingPad pads[MAX_PADS];
+   int nLandingPads;
-    // Keys
-    static const int MAX_KEYS = 5;
-    struct Key 
-    {
-        int xpos, ypos;
-        TextureQuad frame[18], arrow;
-        int current, rotcount;
-        float alpha;
-        bool active;
-    } keys[MAX_KEYS];
-    int nKeysRemaining, nKeys;
-    // Asteroids
-    static const int MAX_ASTEROIDS = 50;
-    Asteroid asteroids[MAX_ASTEROIDS];
-    int asteroidcount;
-    // Electric gate things
-    static const int MAX_GATEWAYS = 4;
-    static const int MAX_GATEWAY_LENGTH = 10;
-    struct Gateway 
-    {
-        int xpos, ypos, length, timer;
-        bool vertical;
-        TextureQuad icon;
-    } gateways[MAX_GATEWAYS];
-    int gatewaycount;
-    // Space mines
-    static const int MAX_MINES = 5;
-    struct Mine 
-    {
-        int xpos, ypos, current, rotcount, dir, displace_x, displace_y, movedelay;
-        int movetimeout;
-        TextureQuad frame[36];
-    } mines[MAX_MINES];
-    int minecount;
+   // Keys
+   static const int MAX_KEYS = 5;
+   struct Key 
+   {
+      int xpos, ypos;
+      TextureQuad frame[18], arrow;
+      int current, rotcount;
+      float alpha;
+      bool active;
+   } keys[MAX_KEYS];
+   int nKeysRemaining, nKeys;
+   // Asteroids
+   static const int MAX_ASTEROIDS = 50;
+   Asteroid asteroids[MAX_ASTEROIDS];
+   int asteroidcount;
+   // Electric gate things
+   static const int MAX_GATEWAYS = 4;
+   static const int MAX_GATEWAY_LENGTH = 10;
+   struct Gateway 
+   {
+      int xpos, ypos, length, timer;
+      bool vertical;
+      TextureQuad icon;
+   } gateways[MAX_GATEWAYS];
+   int gatewaycount;
+   // Space mines
+   static const int MAX_MINES = 5;
+   struct Mine 
+   {
+      int xpos, ypos, current, rotcount, dir, displace_x, displace_y, movedelay;
+      int movetimeout;
+      TextureQuad frame[36];
+   } mines[MAX_MINES];
+   int minecount;
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 39526b2..1eb5730 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ lander_SOURCES = Main.cpp Lander.hpp Game.cpp \
 	DataFile.cpp DataFile.hpp File.cpp File.hpp Platform.hpp \
 	OpenGL.cpp OpenGL.hpp Menu.cpp Menu.hpp Emitter.cpp \
 	Emitter.hpp Screens.cpp Screens.hpp Strings.hpp \
-	ObjectGrid.hpp ObjectGrid.cpp Asteroid.hpp Asteroid.cpp 
+	ObjectGrid.hpp ObjectGrid.cpp Asteroid.hpp Asteroid.cpp \
+	Ship.hpp Ship.cpp Viewport.hpp Viewport.cpp
 dist_pkgdata_DATA = ../lander.dat ../Default_Font.ttf ../Hollow_Font.ttf
diff --git a/src/ObjectGrid.cpp b/src/ObjectGrid.cpp
index 780cad6..313d6bd 100644
--- a/src/ObjectGrid.cpp
+++ b/src/ObjectGrid.cpp
@@ -40,15 +40,14 @@ bool ObjectGrid::AllocFreeSpace(int &x, int &y)
    int timeout = 10000;
    // Keep generating points until we find a free space
-   do
-      {
-         if (--timeout == 0)
-            return false;
-         x = rand() % width;
-         y = rand() % height;
-      } while (grid[x + (y * width)]);
+   do {
+      if (--timeout == 0)
+         return false;
+      x = rand() % width;
+      y = rand() % height;
+   } while (grid[x + (y * width)]);
    grid[x + (y * width)] = true;
    return true;
@@ -67,31 +66,27 @@ bool ObjectGrid::AllocFreeSpace(int &x, int &y, int width, int height)
    int timeout = 10000;
    // Keep generating points until we find a free space
-   do
-      {
-         if (--timeout == 0)
-            return false;
-         x = rand() % (this->width - width);
-         y = rand() % (this->height - height);
-         // Check this position
-         isOk = true;
-         for (counter_x = x; counter_x < x + width; counter_x++)
-            {
-               for (counter_y = y; counter_y < y + height; counter_y++)
-                  {
-                     if (grid[counter_x + (counter_y * this->width)])
-                        isOk = false;
-                  }
-            }
-      } while (!isOk);
-   for (counter_x = x; counter_x < x + width; counter_x++)
-      {
-         for (counter_y = y; counter_y < y + height; counter_y++)
-            grid[counter_x + (counter_y * this->width)] = true;
+   do {
+      if (--timeout == 0)
+         return false;
+      x = rand() % (this->width - width);
+      y = rand() % (this->height - height);
+      // Check this position
+      isOk = true;
+      for (counter_x = x; counter_x < x + width; counter_x++) {
+         for (counter_y = y; counter_y < y + height; counter_y++) {
+            if (grid[counter_x + (counter_y * this->width)])
+               isOk = false;
+         }
+   } while (!isOk);
+   for (counter_x = x; counter_x < x + width; counter_x++) {
+      for (counter_y = y; counter_y < y + height; counter_y++)
+         grid[counter_x + (counter_y * this->width)] = true;
+   }
    return true;
diff --git a/src/Ship.cpp b/src/Ship.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14ad815
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Ship.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+/*  Ship.cpp -- The player's ship.
+ *  Copyright (C) 2008  Nick Gasson
+ *
+ *  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ *  (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *  GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *  along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "Ship.hpp"
+#include "DataFile.hpp"
+extern DataFile *g_pData;
+GLuint Ship::uShipTexture = 0;
+Ship::Ship(Viewport *v)
+   : xpos(0), ypos(0), speedX(0), speedY(0), angle(0), viewport(v)
+   tq.width = SHIP_TEX_WIDTH;
+   tq.height = SHIP_TEX_HEIGHT;
+void Ship::Load()
+   OpenGL &opengl = OpenGL::GetInstance();
+   uShipTexture = opengl.LoadTextureAlpha(g_pData, "Ship.bmp");
+void Ship::Display()
+   tq.x = (int)xpos - viewport->GetXAdjust();
+   tq.y = (int)ypos - viewport->GetYAdjust();
+   tq.uTexture = uShipTexture;
+   OpenGL::GetInstance().DrawRotate(&tq, angle);
+ * Check for collision between the ship and a polygon.
+ */
+bool Ship::HotSpotCollision(LineSegment &l, Point *points, int nPoints, float dx, float dy)
+   for (int i = 0; i < nPoints; i++) {
+      if (CheckCollision(l, dx + points[i].x, dy + points[i].y))
+         return true;
+   }
+   return false;
+ * Checks for collision between the ship and a box.
+ */
+bool Ship::BoxCollision(int x, int y, int w, int h, Point *points, int nPoints)
+   if (!viewport->PointInScreen(x, y, w, h))
+      return false;
+   LineSegment l1(x, y, x + w, y);
+   LineSegment l2(x + w, y, x + w, y + h);
+   LineSegment l3(x + w, y + h, x, y + h);
+   LineSegment l4(x, y + h, x, y);
+   return HotSpotCollision(l1, points, nPoints)
+      || HotSpotCollision(l2, points, nPoints)
+      || HotSpotCollision(l3, points, nPoints)
+      || HotSpotCollision(l4, points, nPoints);
+ * Checks for collision between the ship and a line segment.
+ */
+bool Ship::CheckCollision(LineSegment &l, float dx, float dy)
+   float xpos = this->xpos + dx;
+   float ypos = this->ypos + dy;
+   if (!viewport->PointInScreen(xpos, ypos, SHIP_TEX_WIDTH, SHIP_TEX_HEIGHT))
+      return false;
+   // Get position after next move
+   float cX = xpos + speedX;
+   float cY = ypos + speedY;
+   // Get displacement
+   float vecX = cX - xpos;
+   float vecY = cY - ypos;
+   // Get line position
+   float wallX = (float)(l.p2.x - l.p1.x);
+   float wallY = (float)(l.p2.y - l.p1.y);
+   // Work out numerator and denominator (used parametric equations)
+   float numT = wallX * (ypos - l.p1.y) - wallY * (xpos - l.p1.x);
+   float numU = vecX * (ypos - l.p1.y) - vecY * (xpos - l.p1.x);
+   // Work out denominator
+   float denom = wallY * (cX - xpos) - wallX * (cY - ypos);
+   // Work out u and t
+   float u = numU / denom;
+   float t = numT / denom;
+   // Collision occured if (0 < t < 1) and (0 < u < 1)
+   return (t > 0.0f) && (t < 1.0f) && (u > 0.0f) && (u < 1.0f);
diff --git a/src/Ship.hpp b/src/Ship.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb020c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Ship.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+/*  Ship.hpp -- The player's ship.
+ *  Copyright (C) 2008  Nick Gasson
+ *
+ *  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ *  (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *  GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *  along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ */
+#ifndef INC_SHIP_HPP
+#define INC_SHIP_HPP
+#include "Platform.hpp"
+#include "OpenGL.hpp"
+#include "Geometry.hpp"
+#include "Viewport.hpp"
+class Ship {
+   Ship(Viewport *v);
+   static void Load();
+   void Display();
+   bool CheckCollision(LineSegment &l, float dx=0, float dy=0);
+   bool HotSpotCollision(LineSegment &l, Point *points, int nPoints, float dx=0, float dy=0);
+   bool BoxCollision(int x, int y, int w, int h, Point *points, int nPoints);
+   float xpos, ypos;
+   float speedX, speedY, angle;
+   TextureQuad tq;
+   static const int SHIP_TEX_WIDTH = 32;
+   static const int SHIP_TEX_HEIGHT = 32;
+   static GLuint uShipTexture;
+   Viewport *viewport;
diff --git a/src/Viewport.cpp b/src/Viewport.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..60ca0ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Viewport.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+/*  Viewport.cpp -- The area of the screen the player can see.
+ *  Copyright (C) 2008  Nick Gasson
+ *
+ *  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ *  (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *  GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *  along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "Viewport.hpp"
+#include "OpenGL.hpp"
+#include "ObjectGrid.hpp"
+   : adjustX(0), adjustY(0), levelWidth(0), levelHeight(0)
+   screenWidth = OpenGL::GetInstance().GetWidth();
+   screenHeight = OpenGL::GetInstance().GetHeight();
+void Viewport::SetXAdjust(int x)
+   adjustX = x;
+   if (adjustX < 0)
+      adjustX = 0;
+   else if (adjustX > levelWidth - screenWidth)
+      adjustX = levelWidth - screenWidth;
+void Viewport::SetYAdjust(int y)
+   adjustY = y;
+   if (adjustY < 0)
+      adjustY = 0;
+   else if (adjustY > levelHeight - screenHeight)
+      adjustY = levelHeight - screenHeight;
+ * Works out whether or not a point is visible.
+ *	xpos, ypos -> Absolute co-ordinates.
+ *	width, height -> Size of object.
+ */
+bool Viewport::PointInScreen(int xpos, int ypos, int width, int height)
+   return (xpos + width > adjustX && xpos - adjustX < screenWidth
+           && ypos + height > adjustY && ypos - adjustY < screenHeight);
+ * Works out whether or not an object is visible.
+ *	xpos, ypos -> Grid co-ordinates.
+ *	width, height -> Size of object in grid squares.
+ */
+bool Viewport::ObjectInScreen(int xpos, int ypos, int width, int height)
+   return PointInScreen(xpos * ObjectGrid::OBJ_GRID_SIZE,
+                        ypos * ObjectGrid::OBJ_GRID_SIZE,
+                        width * ObjectGrid::OBJ_GRID_SIZE,
+                        height * ObjectGrid::OBJ_GRID_SIZE);
diff --git a/src/Viewport.hpp b/src/Viewport.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..54818a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Viewport.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+/*  Viewport.hpp -- The area of the screen the player can see.
+ *  Copyright (C) 2008  Nick Gasson
+ *
+ *  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ *  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ *  (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ *  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *  GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ *  along with this program.  If not, see <>.
+ */
+#include "Platform.hpp"
+class Viewport {
+   Viewport();
+   int GetXAdjust() const { return adjustX; }
+   int GetYAdjust() const { return adjustY; }
+   void SetXAdjust(int x);
+   void SetYAdjust(int y);
+   int GetLevelWidth() const { return levelWidth; }
+   int GetLevelHeight() const { return levelHeight; }
+   void SetLevelWidth(int w) { levelWidth = w; }
+   void SetLevelHeight(int h) { levelHeight = h; }
+   bool ObjectInScreen(int xpos, int ypos, int width, int height);
+   bool PointInScreen(int xpos, int ypos, int width, int height);
+   int adjustX, adjustY;
+   int screenWidth, screenHeight;
+   int levelWidth, levelHeight;