#include "IMesh.hpp"
#include <cmath>
+#include <map>
#include <GL/gl.h>
IMeshPtr theSleeperMesh, theRailMesh;
+ typedef map<int, IMeshPtr> CurvedRailMeshMap;
+ CurvedRailMeshMap theCurvedRailMeshes;
void generateSleeperMesh()
IMeshBufferPtr buf = makeMeshBuffer();
theRailMesh = makeMesh(buf);
+ enum RailType {
+ InnerRail, OuterRail
+ };
+ IMeshPtr generateCurvedRailMesh(IMeshBufferPtr buf, int baseRadius, RailType type)
+ {
+ const float edgeWidth = (1 - GAUGE - RAIL_WIDTH)/2.0;
+ const float R = static_cast<float>(baseRadius) - edgeWidth
+ - (type == OuterRail ? 0 : GAUGE);
+ const float r = R - RAIL_WIDTH;
+ const float step = 0.1f;
+ const IMeshBuffer::Colour metal = make_tuple(0.7f, 0.7f, 0.7f);
+ // Top of rail
+ for (float theta = 0; theta < M_PI / 2.0f; theta += step) {
+ buf->addQuad(makeVector(r * cos(theta), 0.1f, r * sin(theta)),
+ makeVector(r * cos(theta + step), 0.1f, r * sin(theta + step)),
+ makeVector(R * cos(theta + step), 0.1f, R * sin(theta + step)),
+ makeVector(R * cos(theta), 0.1f, R * sin(theta)),
+ metal);
+ }
+ // Outer edge
+ for (float theta = 0; theta < M_PI / 2.0f; theta += step) {
+ const float sinT = sin(theta);
+ const float cosT = cos(theta);
+ const float sinT1 = sin(theta + step);
+ const float cosT1 = cos(theta + step);
+ buf->addQuad(// Vertices
+ makeVector(R * cosT1, 0.1f, R * sinT1),
+ makeVector(R * cosT1, 0.0f, R * sinT1),
+ makeVector(R * cosT, 0.0f, R * sinT),
+ makeVector(R * cosT, 0.1f, R * sinT),
+ // Normals
+ makeVector(cosT1, 0.0f, sinT1),
+ makeVector(cosT1, 0.0f, sinT1),
+ makeVector(cosT, 0.0f, sinT),
+ makeVector(cosT, 0.0f, sinT),
+ metal);
+ }
+ // Inner edge
+ for (float theta = 0; theta < M_PI / 2.0f; theta += step) {
+ const float sinT = sin(theta);
+ const float cosT = cos(theta);
+ const float sinT1 = sin(theta + step);
+ const float cosT1 = cos(theta + step);
+ buf->addQuad(// Vertices
+ makeVector(r * cosT, 0.1f, r * sinT),
+ makeVector(r * cosT, 0.0f, r * sinT),
+ makeVector(r * cosT1, 0.0f, r * sinT1),
+ makeVector(r * cosT1, 0.1f, r * sinT1),
+ // Normals
+ makeVector(-cosT, 0.0f, -sinT),
+ makeVector(-cosT, 0.0f, -sinT),
+ makeVector(-cosT1, 0.0f, -sinT1),
+ makeVector(-cosT1, 0.0f, -sinT1),
+ metal);
+ }
+ return makeMesh(buf);
+ }
+ IMeshPtr getCurvedRailMesh(int baseRadius)
+ {
+ CurvedRailMeshMap::iterator it = theCurvedRailMeshes.find(baseRadius);
+ if (it != theCurvedRailMeshes.end())
+ return (*it).second;
+ else {
+ IMeshBufferPtr buf = makeMeshBuffer();
+ generateCurvedRailMesh(buf, baseRadius, InnerRail);
+ generateCurvedRailMesh(buf, baseRadius, OuterRail);
+ IMeshPtr ptr = makeMesh(buf);
+ theCurvedRailMeshes[baseRadius] = ptr;
+ return ptr;
+ }
+ }
// Draw a sleeper in the current maxtrix location
-enum RailType {
- InnerRail, OuterRail
static void makeCurveRail(int baseRadius, track::Angle startAngle,
track::Angle finishAngle, RailType type)
- const float edgeWidth = (1 - GAUGE - RAIL_WIDTH)/2.0;
- const float R = static_cast<float>(baseRadius) - edgeWidth
- - (type == OuterRail ? 0 : GAUGE);
- const float r = R - RAIL_WIDTH;
- const float step = 0.1;
- glPushAttrib(GL_ENABLE_BIT);
- glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
- glDisable(GL_BLEND);
glRotatef(static_cast<float>(startAngle), 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
- glColor3f(0.7, 0.7, 0.7);
- const float startAngleR = degToRad(startAngle);
- const float finishAngleR = degToRad(finishAngle);
- // Top of rail
- glBegin(GL_QUADS);
- for (float theta = 0; theta < finishAngleR - startAngleR; theta += step) {
- glNormal3f(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
- glVertex3f(r * cos(theta), 0.1f, r * sin(theta));
- glVertex3f(r * cos(theta + step), 0.1f, r * sin(theta + step));
- glVertex3f(R * cos(theta + step), 0.1f, R * sin(theta + step));
- glVertex3f(R * cos(theta), 0.1f, R * sin(theta));
- }
- glEnd();
- // Outer edge
- for (float theta = 0; theta < finishAngleR - startAngleR; theta += step) {
- const float sinT = sin(theta);
- const float cosT = cos(theta);
- const float sinT1 = sin(theta + step);
- const float cosT1 = cos(theta + step);
- glBegin(GL_QUADS);
- glNormal3f(cosT1, 0.0f, sinT1);
- glVertex3f(R * cosT1, 0.1f, R * sinT1);
- glNormal3f(cosT1, 0.0f, sinT1);
- glVertex3f(R * cosT1, 0.0f, R * sinT1);
- glNormal3f(cosT, 0.0f, sinT);
- glVertex3f(R * cosT, 0.0f, R * sinT);
- glNormal3f(cosT, 0.0f, sinT);
- glVertex3f(R * cosT, 0.1f, R * sinT);
- glEnd();
- }
- // Inner edge
- glBegin(GL_QUADS);
- for (float theta = 0; theta < finishAngleR - startAngleR; theta += step) {
- const float sinT = sin(theta);
- const float cosT = cos(theta);
- const float sinT1 = sin(theta + step);
- const float cosT1 = cos(theta + step);
- glNormal3f(-cosT, 0.0f, -sinT);
- glVertex3f(r * cosT, 0.1f, r * sinT);
- glNormal3f(-cosT, 0.0f, -sinT);
- glVertex3f(r * cosT, 0.0f, r * sinT);
- glNormal3f(-cosT1, 0.0f, -sinT1);
- glVertex3f(r * cosT1, 0.0f, r * sinT1);
- glNormal3f(-cosT1, 0.0f, -sinT1);
- glVertex3f(r * cosT1, 0.1f, r * sinT1);
- }
- glEnd();
+ getCurvedRailMesh(baseRadius)->render();
- glPopAttrib();
// Move to the origin of a curved section of track