bin_PROGRAMS = xcowsay
-bin_SCRIPTS = xcowat xcowfortune
+bin_SCRIPTS = xcowfortune
floating_shape.c settings.h settings.c Cowsay_glue.h xcowsayd.h \
xcowsayd.c config_file.h config_file.c i18n.h bubblegen.c
-EXTRA_DIST = xcowat xcowfortune
+EXTRA_DIST = xcowfortune
localedir = $(datadir)/locale
+++ /dev/null
-# Run xcowsay at the specified time using atd
-# Might not have a display
-if [ "$DISPLAY" = "" ]; then
- DISPLAY=:0.0
-# xcowsay may not be on the PATH...
-# ...but it should be in the same directory as xcowat
-PATH=$PATH:`dirname $0`
-echo "env DISPLAY=$DISPLAY PATH=$PATH xcowsay \"$2\"" | at $1