game = new Game();
scores = new HighScores();
options = new Options();
ScreenManager& sm = ScreenManager::GetInstance();
sm.AddScreen("MAIN MENU", menu);
sm.AddScreen("GAME", game);
// Earlier versions of Lander stored config files directly in the
// user's home directory. Now use use the XDG-compliant .config/lander
// directory but we should move old configs and high scores there first
using namespace boost::filesystem;
const path cfg = GetConfigDir();
const path old_config = home / ".lander.config";
const path old_scores = home / ".lander.scores";
if (exists(old_config))
rename(old_config, cfg / "config");
if (exists(old_scores))
- rename(old_scores, cfg / "scores");
+ rename(old_scores, cfg / "scores");
// Entry point.
int main(int argc, char **argv)
#ifdef UNIX
- ConfigFile cfile;
+ ConfigFile cfile;
width = cfile.get_int("hres", DEFAULT_HRES);
height = cfile.get_int("vres", DEFAULT_VRES);
fullscreen = cfile.get_bool("fullscreen", DEFAULT_FSCREEN);
opengl.Init(width, height, depth, fullscreen);
// Run the game
ScreenManager::GetInstance().SelectScreen("MAIN MENU");
#ifdef MACOSX
using namespace CF;
static char path[PATH_MAX];
CFBundleRef mainBundle;
CFStringRef cfBase, cfExt, cfPath;
const char* ext = "";
char* copy = strdup(file.c_str());
if (char* p = strrchr(copy, '.')) {
*p = '\0';
ext = ++p;
cfBase = CFStringCreateWithCString(NULL, copy, kCFStringEncodingASCII);
cfExt = CFStringCreateWithCString(NULL, ext, kCFStringEncodingASCII);
- free(copy);
+ free(copy);
mainBundle = CFBundleGetMainBundle();
resURL = CFBundleCopyResourceURL(mainBundle, cfBase, cfExt, NULL);
if (resURL == NULL)
throw runtime_error("Failed to locate " + string(file));
cfPath = CFURLCopyPath(resURL);
CFStringGetCString(cfPath, path, PATH_MAX, kCFStringEncodingASCII);
return path;
#ifdef DATADIR
- return boost::lexical_cast<string>(DATADIR) + "/" + file;
+ return boost::lexical_cast<string>(DATADIR) + "/" + file;
return file;
string GetConfigDir()
using namespace boost::filesystem;
#ifdef UNIX
path p;
const char *config = getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME");
p /= "lander";
- return p.file_string() + "/";
+ return p.string() + "/";
#ifdef WIN32
path appdata(getenv("APPDATA"));